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Head of BA Department

Olexandr has over 10 years of experience in the IT field. He has held various roles in digital product development, from product owner to business analyst, always ensuring that the solution meets the client’s requirements and vision. Knowledge and skills gained after years of being a business analyst, and more than 50 delivered web projects helped him to become the Head of BA team and establish his own department at Aimprosoft. Olexandr is passionate about complex tasks that require a non-trivial solution. He always eagerly contributes to the successful implementation of IT solutions for companies operating in different fields. Olexandr constantly improves his expertise by applying modern approaches in his practice and teaches aspiring business analysts, helping them on their path to becoming skilled specialists.

SDLC Discovery Phase: How Much Can It Save for Software Development Process? cover image
April 8, 2022 Articles

SDLC Discovery Phase: How Much Can It Save for Software Development Process?

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