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How to Successfully Outsource Front-end Development

21 mins read 4257 views
How to Successfully Outsource Front-end Development article image

Key takeaways

  • In this article, you’ll discover when outsourcing is profitable and time-saving and when it doesn’t fit business interests.
  • Find out what front-end frameworks are most popular among Aimprosoft clients and are praised by our developers due to their efficiency.
  • Discover how to get the greater benefits from outsourcing and where to find the best software provider.
  • Reveal what benefits startups can get from outsourcing. Saving time and budget are not the only advantages.
  • Learn about the barriers to successful outsourcing and how to overcome them.
  • Get a helpful step-by-step guide on how to hire a front-end team from an outsourcing company.
  • Know why it’s beneficial to outsource frontend development to Aimprosoft.

Outsourcing software development is no longer just a trend, but a reliable business practice that saves money and opens up new horizons in the development world. According to Statista, the worldwide outsourcing business generated $92.5 billion in revenue back in 2019, and the demand for outsourcing keeps on growing every year. And this fact is not surprising because outsourcing has repeatedly proved that this is the right strategy for the success of your product. Top global corporations such as Skype, Opera, and WhatsApp, for example, have effectively outsourced product development.

Thus, stay tuned if you’re interested in outsourcing front-end development. You will certainly discover helpful tips for choosing a trustworthy outsourcing vendor and learn how such a business practice can help you thrive.

Top 5 reasons for front-end development outsourcing

Regardless of the size of your business, there are numerous advantages to removing the burden from your shoulders and entrusting the development-related and organizational processes to another company. If you doubt whether you should resort to outsourcing and are unsure what benefits it can bring you, keep reading. This section will give some convincing reasons why outsourcing can be good for your business.

Saving time

Innovation has flooded the market, so the rush to launch a product to stay relevant may put lots of pressure. Thus, many businesses, especially startups, require software development acceleration due to limited time and financial resources. Outsourcing allows you to save precious time that may otherwise be spent finding and recruiting developers, building the development team, and managing all project-related processes. Fortunately, the outsourcing company can do it for you and will do everything faster due to extensive experience in this field.

The ability to cut spending

According to Deloitte statistics, companies that use outsourcing can save up to 70% on development costs. Because the outsourcing company not only saves your time, it can also save you money. As we said earlier, when you employ outsourced teams, you save your budget that could have been spent on hiring, onboarding, insurance, and retention programs for your staff. Furthermore, employees from popular outsourcing locations usually cost less than those from the local market.

Outsourcing objectives and strategies
Cost reduction is the main objective of outsourcing. Source: Deloitte

The ability to concentrate on your business objectives

Outsourcing allows you to focus on your key business objectives rather than getting bogged down in the product development process. When you outsource front-end development to a trusted software provider with significant experience in this engagement model, you can be confident that a team of professionals will develop your front-end side and meet the set requirements accurately. Nothing will distract you from your business, marketing, and sales activities. Focusing on your core goals instead of monitoring the completion of the development steps will surely help you get a better overall outcome.

The existing front-end has to be rebuilt

It can often be the case that an already released product has to be improved since it doesn’t meet your idea of high quality anymore. For example, the product’s back-end may work fine, but the client-side may not be the most acceptable. But in software development, though, there are no more or less essential components; they all work together to create a complete quality result. Companies often outsource when the client-side is not performing correctly. Fix precisely what you’re dissatisfied with because it makes no sense to redo the product completely.

Looking for a trusted software vendor to outsource the redesign of your current solution?

Don’t hesitate to contact Aimprosoft so that our specialists can evaluate the state of your existing product and offer ways to optimize it.


You need flexibility

There may be an unequal load during the development cycle for front-end development, and many businesses struggle to cope with the requirement to scale up or down their staff. In turn, software development outsourcing companies may quickly add team members or remove them from a project. So outsourcing is rather convenient in terms of staff augmentation since you don’t have to worry about hiring a team because it will be done for you, and you don’t have to keep those employees who don’t have a constant workload to complete in your company.

Front-end frameworks provided by Aimprosoft outsourcing team

Now it’s time to talk about Aimprosoft’s front-end frameworks. The mentioned frameworks are popular on the market and time-tested, so these tools are often a part of our project’s technology stacks.

Name Benefits Examples of our products
Angular Angular is a Google-maintained open-source front-end framework. Angular provides optimized speed and performance. Most suitable for enterprise and single-page applications.

Virtual1 一 B2B platform for ordering local and Internet connection equipment and services.

AVORA 一 was established in the United Kingdom and is a real-time analytics platform providing in-depth and predictive analytics.

React.js React is a JavaScript framework that greatly simplifies the development process. React provides reusable components; this reduces development effort and ensures a seamless experience. Most suitable for mobile app development, like Instagram.

KubKaf 一 is a platform that provides the possibility to deploy Kafka on the cloud in 1 click. It enables the deployment of Kafka clusters on Microsoft Azure Cloud without the need for extensive configuration and expertise in Kafka.

HomeLike 一 is a corporate housing platform that enables landlords and renters to use all the features of real estate services seamlessly and securely.

Vue.js Vue.js is an open-source JavaScript framework for creating user interfaces. The key benefit of Vue.js is that the tool is customizable, adaptable, user-friendly, and simple to integrate. Vue.js is mostly used to create web interfaces and one-page apps.

RealiseMe 一 is a web-based recruiting tool that helps schools in the United Kingdom find suitable candidates for their open positions.

Of course, these are not the only front-end technologies that our developers use. We also work with Material-UI, Bootstrap, Redux, Redux-Saga, RxJs, NgRx, Vuex, etc., and many other efficient front-end tools. These are simply the most popular technologies among our clients and are the ones that are also highly praised by our specialists.

Where to outsource front-end development for greater benefits

The first step in hiring an outsourcing company is determining which country you will outsource to. The company’s location is essential; it impacts the compensation of outsourced front-end coders, the time difference between you and the chosen region, language skills, how wide the talent pool in this country is, etc. Continue reading to discover the most prosperous countries for outsourcing and all the key considerations.

Top countries for frontend development outsourcing

Let’s look at some of the most popular outsourcing directions. We’ll talk about their advantages and disadvantages so you can select the best software service provider for your business.


IT outsourcing to Ukraine is gaining in popularity every day. One of the reasons for this is the rapidly growing IT market. Exports to the Ukrainian IT industry increased by 36%, from USD 5 billion to USD 6.8 billion in 2021. The pool of talent in Ukraine is also expanding relatively fast. There are more than 285 thousand IT specialists working in the country at the moment. Amazingly, the IT industry in Ukraine does not give up its position even during the war. By a Djinni analytics, 85-90 % of employees had returned to work. The major marketplace KPIs, such as job postings sites, are increasing by 20-30% weekly.

Ukraine is also suitable for outsourcing in terms of time zone. For instance, the time difference with any European country is less than 3 hours. As an outcome, you’re likely to feel rather comfortable working and communicating with a Ukrainian team. Unlike software engineers from Latin America, for instance, there are no substantial cultural distinctions between front-end developers from Ukraine and Europe.

Want to know more about all aspects of outsourcing to Ukraine and why it is the best choice?

Read out


According to the Kearney Global Services Destination Index, Poland is the eighth-most attractive outsourcing destination. Poland has a huge array of software engineers and is also reasonably priced.

Poland, like Ukraine, is an Eastern Europe country with a mentality similar to that of many other European regions. As a result, there are low chances of possible communication issues. Moreover, the efficiency of the communication adds to the fact that 31% of Polish IT professionals have moderate proficiency in English, and 53% are at the Upper-Intermediate and Intermediate levels.

Latin American countries

Latin American countries are now gaining popularity as countries for IT software outsourcing. Four countries from this region (Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, and Chile) were named among the top 25 business-friendly countries in a survey published in 2021. In 2021, Brazil’s offshore development industry employed around 500 thousand software engineers. Around 225 thousand software engineers worked in Mexico, whereas over 100 thousand worked in Argentina. Most Latin American developers are fluent in both English and Spanish, allowing them to service a wider range of clients.

Latin American countries are close to the United States, and the time differences are not great, but the mentality can differ dramatically, complicating the process of communication. Latin American outsourcing is still pretty new, and the outsourced business faces several problems. There are some security issues in Latin American countries, for the most part, that do not adhere to international data protection standards, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Almost every country has its pros and cons in outsourcing, so it is impossible to make a wrong choice. The most important thing is weighing the benefits and drawing conclusions about which option is best for you.

Key startup gains from front-end development outsourcing

Many startups aim to save money. However, the need to cut budgets eventually leads to unmanageable workloads and errors in the entire process. And subsequently, such circumstances only distance the project from a successful launch. That’s why it’s so important to delegate at least some work processes, such as front-end development, to an experienced outsourcing company to reduce development time and, therefore, budget.

But saving time and budget is not the only benefit of outsourcing front-end development for a startup. Let’s take a closer look at the unique benefits outsourcing might provide for your project.

Delegating recruitment and onboarding processes

According to the statistics, approximately 10% of startups fail due to recruiting mistakes. Finding skilled employees who will also be a good fit for your company is not easy. You can spend weeks, maybe even months, looking for people to join the team, but what if you delegate it? An experienced software development vendor will assemble a technical team of experts based on their skill set and your project specifications.

Specialists for every aspect of your business

Some positions at startups may not require full-time hiring to be handled effectively and properly. Outsourcing product development allows you to access different specialists quickly and cost-effectively. Apart from the front-end developers, you may require the services of a QA specialist, business analyst, or UI/UX designer for your project. An outsourcing software company usually has a wide spectrum of specialists and can always provide the professionals you need for a particular position and time.

Failure prevention

According to Deloitte statistics, many startups fight for survival and evolve into scale-ups, with over 90% of young businesses dying within five years after their formation. Deloitte suggests that the reason is the load in the work processes and too much responsibility assumed by business owners. Outsourcing can be a winning solution in this case. As we said earlier, you can outsource a few work processes, like frontend development, to an outsourcing company and focus on the main goals of your business.

As we can see, the advantages of outsourcing for startups are really significant, ranging from economically advantageous to preventing project failure. But businesses can also face challenges in outsourcing. Let’s look deeper at all of the potential pitfalls so you can avoid them before engaging an outsourcing company.

Possible bottlenecks while outsourcing front-end development

The benefits of outsourcing may be discussed endlessly, yet even this business practice has its bottlenecks. Let’s talk about all the nuances that should be considered before hiring an outsourcing company.

Challenges you may encounter when outsourcing front-end development
Challenges you may face when outsourcing front-end development

Time zone gap

We have already examined this problem briefly. Yes, this is one of the most common fears of stakeholders. Time differences can be frightening. But is it as scary as you imagine?

What can be done to make this aspect less challenging?

You and your vendor can take your time differences into account beforehand. Trying to combine schedules, do not forget that various messengers, meeting planners, and programs help manage tasks quite efficiently. All this will help not to disrupt the work process. Likewise, don’t forget the nice perk; the hired dedicated team works on your project while you’re still asleep, if the time difference is significant, and can provide you with updates on the progress when you start your working day.

Interaction among your employees and outsourced developers

Potential outsourcing clients frequently express worries about disrupted communication due to the distance between in-house specialists and the outsourcing company. And yes, such fears are not unfounded because communication among the in-house team can be better. But if you’re used to controlling all work processes, then why outsource front-end web development?

What can be done to make this aspect less challenging?

Outsourcing, first of all, removes a lot of responsibilities from the company owner. You just need to find a reliable vendor and, of course, explain the ultimate goals of your business. If the outsourcing team knows all the business objectives, the possibility of failure is likely to be reduced to zero.

Language hurdles and different cultures

It’s worth noting that people with various cultural backgrounds may have completely different views on how a work should be completed. Therefore, it is crucial that your cultural differences are not so noticeable and your opinions on the work process converge. Language is essential too. It is critical to establish proper communication channels, and English language fluency is a necessary component of this.

What can be done to make this aspect less challenging?

Before hiring an outsourced front-end team, you should make sure that your cultural differences are not too significant and that all team members speak English well. For instance, in most European countries, people have a high level of English. Also, cultural differences among European countries are not that great, so they could affect your collaboration with the vendor.

Let’s move on to understanding how to collaborate with front-end development company now that you’re aware of the complexities of outsourcing, the hurdles you could face, and the ways to overcome them.

Step-by-step guide on front-end outsourcing

What is frontend outsourcing, exactly? It is the process of hiring front-end developers from an outsourcing company to handle the development of the necessary scopes of work using resources that your organization does not have in-house. Let’s look at how hiring an outsourcing company works, examining the way this process is completed at Aimprosoft as an example.

5 steps to hire an outsourced front-end development team
5 steps to hire an outsourced front-end development team
  1. Choose a trustful outsourcing vendor

    The first and most important step is to find a reliable outsourcing partner. First thing you need to determine the location where you’ll be looking for an outsourcing company. Please consider all the necessary points such as time zone, mentality, qualification of developers, etc., that we explored above.

    Once you’ve determined the region, a simple internet search will help you find popular outsourcing companies in the chosen country. We highly recommend checking the reviews on the company via independent platforms like Clutch and the vendor’s portfolio, especially those cases that are from your domain or similar in terms of the concept.

  2. Share your development plan

    So you’ve found the most suitable outsourcing company and evaluated its trustworthiness. Let’s imagine that you opted for Aimprosoft. When you apply to our company and want to give us a specific set of works, such as front-end development, we ask you to share the plan of your project, how you see your product, the main objectives of your business, and technical requirements. Then your request and all the information collected on the first call are sent to our pre-sales team.

  3. Get a detailed estimate

    Our pre-sales team comprises a pre-sales coordinator and a software architect. After the initial procedure, they coordinate everything with the project’s relevant technical team leader and create the estimates. The estimate contains information about the team’s composition on your project and the time that will take on the project, based on which the cost of front-end development is formed. In the end, we make you a business proposal, and if you agree to accept it, the next stage begins.

  4. Sign a contract and begin the development process

    At this stage, you and our company must establish a contract with clear payment terms, deliverables, timeframes, and failure consequences, among other things. After you’ve completed this, you may sign and start the development process.

  5. Maintain regular communication

    When it comes to cooperating with an external team, constant communication is crucial. It is in your best interest to keep the situation under control. Of course, you can hire our project manager, who will liaison you and the front-end team. Weekly or daily calls are recommended, since they allow you to keep track of the project’s front-end development and verify that you and the outsourced team are on the same page.

Interested in hiring experienced front-end developers?

Please feel free to contact us, and we will evaluate your request to find the right software engineers based on the set requirements.


Cost of outsourcing front-end development

Because of local variations in the cost per hour for software development, outsourcing is profitable for providers and cost-effective for customers. It goes without saying that the average salary in the United States is not the same as the average wage in Eastern Europe. These are the circumstances that affect the price of front-end development. What is more important is that in Eastern Europe, the lower rate for the front-end developers’ work does not affect the quality of the provided services. Let’s look at the differences in hourly developer salaries by country.

Front-end developers' hourly rates throughout the world
Front-end developers’ hourly rates throughout the world
The USA Average hourly rate $60-80
Latin America (Mexico, Brazil, Chile) Average hourly rate $40-75
Western Europe (Germany) Average hourly rate $50-65
The UK Average hourly rate $60-70
Eastern Europe (Ukraine) Average hourly rate $35-55

As we can see, front-end development expenses vary significantly around the globe, and also do not forget that each company sets its own price. In our table, you can see only average prices for front-end development.

Why choose Aimprosoft as your front-end development outsourcing partner?

So, in this article, we have discussed all the essential aspects that you should consider before choosing an outsourcing company. If you seriously think about outsourcing front-end development, you can always turn to Aimprosoft. We’ve been in the industry for over 16 years and have completed more than 500 projects, earning us a reputation as a reliable software provider. If you have any doubts, below, we will give you an example of factors that can destroy them.

Why choose us as your front-end development outsourcing vendor?
Why choose us as your front-end development outsourcing vendor?
  • 90% of our developers have a master’s degree

    Customers who come to us have doubts about the qualifications of our developers. The first thing to note is that most of our employees have a master’s degree. We also have a trial period, so the client can see if the employee or a few of them meet their expectations. We can start with two weeks or a month of work. Yes, it is a paid period, but all your worries can be destroyed during the real work.

  • 135 developers who can work with front-end

    Customers often express concern about whether our developer or our team is right for them. Our company presently has 45 front-end and 90 full-stack developers on board. We can provide enough candidates, and you can choose those people who suit you best for your project.

  • Staying in the game even during the war

    Of course, the main question that hovers in the air is how do we maintain work processes in times of war? Yes, we have a difficult situation in our country right now, but we have successfully relocated our employees to a safe zone. We did not stop working on projects even on February 24, the first day of the war. We were in touch with our clients and did not fall out of the work processes. Moreover, on February 24, when the whole country was in a panic, our company signed a contract with our clients from Singapore.

In 16+ years of experience in the IT industry, we have gained a really high level of professionalism. We value our reputation, so we always try to produce the highest quality results. Also, we are very flexible and will always find the best fit for you. If the above advantages caught your attention and you’re interested in hiring a front-end team from Aimprosoft, please get in touch with us.


Outsourcing is growing in popularity every day; this business practice is becoming a proven, cost-effective way to develop a product. But when deciding to outsource front-end development to an offshore vendor, keep in mind that outsourcing is, first and foremost, a proper choice.

There are many factors to consider before choosing an outsourcing company, such as cultural differences, locations, and of course, the price of front-end development. If you take into account all of the factors we’ve talked about in this article, these tips will get you closer to hiring the front-end team of your dreams. Also, for the most suitable team, you can contact Aimprosoft. We are always ready to help and find the best solution for you.


How does front-end development work?

A front-end developer uses web languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to construct websites and apps that people can access and interact with. The design components you see on the site or application were created during front-end development.

What are the various types of outsourcing?

The three forms of outsourcing are onshore, nearshoring, and offshore outsourcing. When the vendor company is located in the client’s country, it is called onshore. Nearshore outsourcing is when an outsourced provider is “near” to the client’s location and can offer benefits such as the same time zone, language, and currency. And the offshore model is when an outsourcing company is far from the client. Offshore teams, on the other hand, are the most cost-effective.

Isn’t it less expensive to hire developers in-house?

At first, the prices of outsourced development can be intimidating, but if you pair them with the costs of in-house front-end developers, you’ll realize that outsourcing isn’t that expensive. Hiring in-house developers lead to monthly running expenses, including paying for office space to new equipment. When you outsource front-end developers, rates might be reduced since a one-time operation entails a one-time payment. You may also haggle for long-term contracts, saving your budget.

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