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How to Make a Digital Transformation in the Enterprise and Succeed with Alfresco? Part 2

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How to Make a Digital Transformation in the Enterprise and Succeed with Alfresco? Part 2 article image

Previously, we half-opened for you how to break down the barriers between the past and the future with a digitally-enabled enterprise using Alfresco. At Part 2 we continue listing the steps you need to go by during the digital transformation with Alfresco in the enterprise.

Don’t forget to advance your hardware.

The digitization of your enterprise will be accompanied with hardware enhancements as a consequence. At this point the question logically arises: how much memory and hardware power are required for a system to be implemented?

An idea of digitization lies in making better a cooperation for a big amount of users within the enterprise. Thus a number of concurrent users and generated content will be of high importance. Let’s move to the facts.

So the principle, how a hardware capacity is estimated, are shown in the table below. The Alfresco repository jointly with a web client can sustain a high-performed running with multiple users accessing simultaneously. It will require minimum 4GB of the Alfresco JVM memory and CPU server of a basic complete set.

Estimation of hardware capacity when implementing Alfresco

System requirements Alfresco requirements
Recommended memory CPU settings per server

To store 1 million documents with access of 10-20 users


2x server CPU (or 1x Dual-core) 30 GB+ storage (depends on the size of documents)

To store documents enabled to access by multiple concurrent users

For 100 concurrent users or up to 1000 casual users


4x server CPU (or 2x Dual-core) 5 GB+ storage (depends on amount of documents)

For 200 concurrent users or up to 2000 casual users


8x server CPU (or 4x Dual-core) 5 GB+ storage (depends on amount of documents)

High-loaded system with multiple concurrent users, high data flow and data processing

Clustering has to be implemented Alfresco to handle high clalability and resilience. They are estimated individually for each single case.

For more information as per performance tuning or server settings, contact us via email to get answers from our tech experts.

Complete an end vision of digital transformation.

You need to set up a clear vision of the result you target on above all. You can improve your methods of work using Alfresco concepts in the course of transformation. Thus it becomes feasible for a project team to consider a new business process management carefully as your first project with Alfresco.

At Aimprosoft we start from a discussion and business analysis with our clients while we define a key set of technologies that the company aims to hold to. The priority should be given to arrange a simple access to the documents of the affiliate network, set up severe rules for permissions, the business process automation, etc.

Find synergic partners.

Many companies adopt ‘only in-house development’ or ‘only licensed platform’s developers’ as their business motto. It might not be the optimal decision for your company to spend a lot with those who are not on the same way with you. To make a choice to a cheaper and faster development can help you with dedicated teams which came into service widely nowadays for hiring.

They are equally skilled as development staff of Alfresco HQ or affiliates. The level of their competency depends on years of experience, ability to keep up with advances in Alfresco and a synergic approach while navigating changes you undertake.

Choose a methodology for transferring.

No doubts, before the process has been started, rules and regulations for the project communication and management have to be scrupulously considered and accepted.

Our developers tend to use Scrum as the proven set of principles and practices that have helped project teams to deliver products more than once both in short and long cycles. It is allotted space for a Scrum Master to play first fiddle to facilitate the development process and keep an eye on observing practices.

We advise applying Scrum for long lasting (from several months) digital transformations with Alfresco. Projects of shorter duration (a few weeks) are handled by a tight communication between the client and a responsible team. Projects of a shorter duration (a few weeks) are handled by a tight communication between the client and a responsible team. The way we do.

John Newton, a founder of Alfresco, emphasizes on the power of exponential magic upcoming with third-party integrations. Are you in?

Final endorphin impulse

And finally, do it with a playful attitude perceiving it as a journey. The world is changing, expectations of your customers are changing, technologies are in progress too. New goals will be set, and your journey will go on, Columbus! We also recommend reading an article about our vision for enterprise portal development.

Let’s talk

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